Product Details
- 37 keys with aftertouch
- LEDs to help you quickly see your sequence and content at a glance.
- Encoders with LED rings to edit note information on the fly
- Tempo, Swing, Project editing controllers
- Step edit buttons
- Metronome with speaker that lets you reference sync with other gear
- Crisp OLED Screen
- Track Controls
- Touch Strip
- Chord mode
- Configurable outputs CV, Gate, and Mod outputs,which can be freely routed for polyphonic CV output.
- 8 Drum gate outputs :Dedicated outputs for the “Drum Mode”, letting you control multiple modules.
- Clock: Keep in sync with In and Out, and Reset out for Eurorack sequencers.
- MIDI :Control any hardware or software with 1 MIDI in, and 2 MIDI outputs.
- Metronome output :A dedicated audio click output, listen on a mixer, control another module, or send to a drummer!
- Sustain input